3" Vertical Slide

Replacement Slide

3" Replacement Blevins Buckle Sleeve

Blevins Buckle 3" Replacement Sleeve Types

Wide Stirrup Leathers will use one of these type of replacement Blevins Buckle Slides. Your Leathers may vary in width from 2 3/4" to full 3".  Most saddle Makers Cut Stirrup Leathers  2 7/8" to make sure they fit through the Blevins Sleeve easily.  

Worn and/or Stretched Stirrup Leathers can measure narrow.  Look for cuts or chunks missing, especially on the edges.  Consider replacing them if these conditions exist. Also take in to consideration the amount of wear your Stirrup Leathers show and if they appear thin (3/16ths" to  1/8th") Replacement should be considered for safety.

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3" Vertical Pin Sleeve

The most common are the Vertical Pin. The Pin Holes run in the Middle of the Stirrup Leather.

(Photo is 3" Vertical Sleeve)

Most Production Shop Saddles and many Custom Built Saddles use the Vertical Pin. It is very common on Roping and Reining Saddles.

3" Horizontal Blevins Sleeve.jpeg

Side by Side


Less common are the Horizontal Blevins Buckles. (Photo is 3" Horizontal Sleeve)

The Pin Holes are Side by Side on this type with two rows of holes running down the Stirrup Leather. There is still a good number of Saddle Shops that Prefer this type of Blevins Buckle on their saddles.

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The 4 Pin 3" Sleeve

This Style is not used often. In fact, its rare to see one on a saddle.

This Style uses 4 Pins on the Stirrup Tab. We stock these Replacement Sleeves but will need to order Replacement Sets if you need the tabs as well.

Your "Tab" on the Riveted side of the Stirrup Leather will have Four Pins vs. Two. The Sleeve will have two indents where the Pins slide in place.

If you have any Questions about the Replacement Slides, feel free to contact me. I'm glad to help get you the right one the first time!
